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Podisti.Net Gallery 06/2008

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Home > Novembre 2008 > 02.11.2008 New York City Marathon

Last comments - 02.11.2008 New York City Marathon
249 views152 comments03/17/10 at 09:58vjskww: decided to put on that play instead. The play itse...
272 views152 comments03/17/10 at 09:58vjskww: sometimes to make him whip babies. The horses nic...
270 views152 comments03/17/10 at 09:58vjskww: and bad tires; when the transmission went there wa...
229 views151 comments03/17/10 at 08:02dgdro: two chairs had been overturned. These did not prev...
249 views152 comments03/17/10 at 08:01dgdro: The thumb is wanting and we have only the mark of ...
272 views152 comments03/17/10 at 08:01dgdro: Stangerson was still working, when the thing happe...
270 views152 comments03/17/10 at 08:01dgdro: and his inexplicable anxiety had inspired me. Mons...
229 views151 comments03/16/10 at 13:00fjkaksd: from a different direction.He switched on the radi...
249 views152 comments03/16/10 at 13:00fjkaksd: head. It took a moment for him to continue."A...
272 views152 comments03/16/10 at 13:00fjkaksd: chance, Garrett and Theresa held hands, stealing a...
270 views152 comments03/16/10 at 13:00fjkaksd: "You're pregnant."Catherine closed h...
229 views151 comments03/16/10 at 08:21vjskww: my father, who would sit with his eyes closed and ...
249 views152 comments03/16/10 at 08:21vjskww: in a pack basket, the runt inside Jack’s coat, for...
272 views152 comments03/16/10 at 08:21vjskww: was something that all of us lived through.It was ...
270 views152 comments03/16/10 at 08:21vjskww: Raleigh and north of Wilmington, all the way to th...
229 views151 comments03/15/10 at 22:11fhslk: As we settled into silence—me on the couch, Jane i...
249 views152 comments03/15/10 at 22:11fhslk: My conversation with Noah had left me musing about...
272 views152 comments03/15/10 at 22:11fhslk: Hour by hour, the natural colors of the roses were...
270 views152 comments03/15/10 at 22:11fhslk: My office is downtown near the historic district, ...
229 views151 comments03/15/10 at 07:52fhslk: girl, she’d always assumed she would have the kind...
249 views152 comments03/15/10 at 07:52fhslk: It might have been the seriousness with which I sp...
711 files on 34 page(s) 25

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